from 2010 - 2018

“There is a mesmerising rhythm to what follows after the animals are brought into the main holding pen, as the cattle are “cut” into their separate groups, the mothers away from their calves until each set is processed. I feel myself tense as I hear and feel the disturbance among the separated pairs, each mother lowing in distress, the calves jostling each other in certain panic adding their own cries. Still, I continue to perch on the wood topped surface of the rear of the pens and after awhile I am caught up in the choreography of the cowboys at their work and the synchronicity of their movements…”

from “Everything but the Ranch” by Ru Freeman

This body of work would not exist but for the support of one man, Ellery Aufdengarten.

Ellery and his family welcomed me to their ranch and their lives and supported every crazy idea I had. We became good friends. Ellery passed away suddenly in 2020 and left a huge hole in the hearts of everyone that knew him.




After Dark